What we Do


Everyone deserves the chance to earn an education, we inspire students to reach their potential and equip them with the tools they need to reach their education and career goals.


Primary and Secondary school

We provide access to primary and secondary education primarily through the building of schools in marginalized regions and populations and transform schools into child-friendly learning environments by creating programs that positively affect the home and school-learning environment and training the children and parents to live to God’s Glory. Our programs are student-centered instruction and lessons aligned to state standards. And we provide sponsorship to poor and vulnerable children to get everything their need to include school fees, scholastic materials and meal at school.

Adult education

Too many adults live in poverty because they were never able to afford and earn an education needed for employment. We are committed to provide short-term, practical and purposeful classes that can be applied to gain and improve employment for underserved adults in Rwanda, in English language, business, modern farming techniques, computer literacy, and health industry. And we are committed to connect our students with employment opportunities and career assistance such as interview and resume preparation.

Teachers and parents training

We equip parents with information and skills to increase confidence and self-sufficiency in managing child behavior and the proper way to communicate and build a strong relationship with child’s schools and train parents to teach their children to live to God’s Glory. And we are committed to equip teachers with modern way of learning and teaching and connect educators, and researchers to support and advance the development and use of educational technology that expands career pathways and improves the quality of life of the learners.


When women are given the opportunity to education, skill development and employment, it impacts their families and their country’s economic standing. We want to empower women and girls in our community through community-based training and non-traditional micro-enterprise development.


Women Capacity Building

Through our women capacity building program, we equip women with vocational training, the value of women’s work, basic health education, rights, saving groups formation and financial education. After receiving training women participate in income-generating activities as they launch their own small business. Through formed groups, women receive advanced informational or skill training, and more access to resources to improve their vocation with education in basic literacy and numeracy, family health and nutrition, family planning, and the prevention of communicable disease.

Girls' education

We are committed to support the best performers of girls from poor families to attend secondary school and stay at school by arranging material support for girls as needed such as school fees, transportation, uniforms and supplies plus exam preparation so that girls can find academic success. We provide girls with a mentor and life skills education throughout their secondary school experience.

Sexual and Reproductive health and Rights education

Through our SRH and GBV prevention education program ,Young people in Rwanda have access to quality sexual and reproductive health services, information and rights in community and in schools with the goal the reduction of teenage pregnancy and early motherhood that far-reaching consequences, ranging from health complications, halting a girl’s education, to social, cultural and economic consequences such as discrimination, stigmatization and low income earning potential, which lead to a vicious cycle of poverty.


School meal program provide nutritious foods and health skills to children attending our schools and the community members to alleviating hunger, reducing micronutrient deficiency and anemia, preventing overweight and obesity, improving school enrollment and attendance, increasing cognitive and academic performance, and contributing to gender equity in access to education.


Feeding hungry student

Through our feeding hungry children program, we provide nutritious meals and monitor the health and growth of children each day at our schools in Rwanda and implement appropriate sustainable projects to support their families.

School garden

Through our school garden program, the school grow crops and livestock to substitute the school meals and community members attend educational sessions where they are trained in nutrition, health and hygiene, modern farming and small-scale community agriculture, and cooking. Community members who display consistent attendance receive livestock to help supplement their agriculture and improve their diet at home and addresses the nutritional deficiencies of children who are not enrolled at our schools.